Life Together Resolutions

· I shall marvel at and cultivate the work of the Holy Spirit in my own life, while forbearing the flaws, faults or problems in my neighbor’s life.

· As much as I am able, I shall be quick to forgive, acknowledging that I too have great need for forgiveness.

· I shall honor the Holy Spirit’s activity in my neighbor’s life even when it doesn’t seem evident!

· I shall seek to keep the unity of the Spirit in humility and love, by refusing to slander or gossip about my neighbor.

· I shall seek to acknowledge my wrongdoings and sins against others and ask often for forgiveness.

· I shall acknowledge that each one of us is fearfully and wonderfully made and delight in all the ways we are different.

· As much as it is up to me, I shall guard the unity of the Church and work hard to protect her reputation.

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